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How To Get Rid Of Boxelder Bugs Around Your Home

If you are seeing black and red bugs congregating around your windows, doors, garage, shed, and maybe even on your car you are seeing Boxelder bugs. Boxelder bugs are one of the most common insects we handle in Southeast Idaho. Adult boxelder bugs are black and red/orange, are about a half inch long, and have six legs and two long antennae. Nymph (baby) boxelder bugs are almost entirely red and considerably smaller than the half inch long adults.

The most important thing with treating Boxelder bugs is locating the source where they're coming from - their home - and putting a stop to it with professional products and techniques.

Boxelder bugs are one of the first to pop up each year and start giving homeowners issues. Boxelder bugs are one of the main reasons our Maintenance Plan is so popular. You cannot eliminate a reproducing bug with just one treatment because new generations emerge multiple times per year. Particularly with these bugs in the spring, and mid/late summer.

Your first treatment of the Maintenance Plan will eliminate the majority of the adults and you may think the problem has been solved, but what happens is a new generation grows up just a few weeks later and now you have another problem. This cycle will continue until we get ahead of their reproduction cycle.

The fall treatment is arguable the most important. Boxelder bugs go dormant every winter in the bark of your trees, then reemerge in the spring. What the fall treatment does is allows us to control them before they have the chance to hibernate in your trees and start the vicious spring-summer-fall cycle again the next year.

If you are seeing Boxelder bugs in your windows, on your garage, car, shed, or the sunny side of your home call now so we can send a pest control exterminator in Idaho Falls to your home and resolve the issue once and for all.

Size: 1/2"

Color: black, orange, red

Colony Size: 200 - 1,000+

Where: sheds, windows, garage door, siding, boxelder trees, maple trees

When: May, July - September



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