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Identifying Wasps in Idaho Falls, ID

Updated: Jul 2, 2022

There are many different species of wasps and hornets found in the United States. Luckily, in Idaho Falls wasps are limited in the number of species we have. Wasps are actually in the same family as ants. They are simply the flying and stinging ants. In this blog we'll show you where to look for wasps, what wasp you might be having issues with based on where you find them, and what to do once you have them.

Paper Wasp

Paper wasps are the most common wasp found in Idaho Falls, Rigby and other surrounding areas. You may see a brown, red, or black version of this wasp, all having a little yellow as the secondary color. They are 1/2" to 3/4" in length and have long legs. You will always see their nest upside down and in a number of different places such as play sets, sheds, porch overhangs, and most commonly up high on the eaves of your roof. These wasps do sting and, if allergic, can put you in the hospital. Their peak season is from May - August.

Yellow Jacket

This is the inside and outside view of a yellow jacket nest. They create multiple layers of hive for their larvae. Yellow jackets create the largest colony size on this list and can get up to 15,000 members. Yellow Jackets are smaller in physical size at an average of 1/2". They have a more vibrant yellow color with less black. The nest locations vary widely as you may find them on the side of homes, built into bushes, underground coming from a small opening, or in outdoor storage compartments. Yellow jackets pack a punch when they sting and can easily hospitalize folks, they are the most aggressive wasp found in Southeast Idaho. Although less common, when found at your home it is crucial you give us a call to have them professionally killed and removed.

Green Eyed Ground Wasp

The Green Eyed Ground Wasps are more mostly found on the hill in Idaho Falls during the hot months of July and August. They will build small volcano-like entrances and may build anywhere from 1-50 nests depending on colony size. Although the nests themselves are most likely not linked together, the members of the colony do know each other and do communicate. These can be tricky to eliminate and may require up to 2 services to see full results. The key with these wasps is having a good product that kills wasps and doing a thorough inspection as we walk the yard before treatment. They are similar in size and look to a paper wasp.

Mud Dauber

Mud Daubers are not super common in Southeast Idaho, but have been seen, and since they're the most interesting wasp found in Idaho we have to identify them! Mud Daubers are not aggressive and build mud/dirt nests on the side of homes. It will look like someone threw a ball of mud at your home and then poked holes in it. Or they make mud tubes lined up next to each other. Both are common. Inside of the mud is an organized home for their eggs and larvae. Mud dauber larvae prefer spiders, so adults will sting spiders nearby to bring back for them. This is why when you knock the dirt nest down you'll see dozens of dead spiders come out as well. Mud daubers have an interesting body type, with the abdomen stretched out far away from the body and long back legs that dangle while flying. You can see them with a brown, red or black color along with yellow.

Thanks for reading about the 4 most common wasps in Idaho Falls, Idaho! If you need help with wasps or any other pest call our office at (208) 351-7860.

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